Rodeo Skills Lead to Life Lessons

Laura riding a horseWhen Laura first came to Cal Farley's Boys Ranch, she had never even seen a horse. Now she’s a seasoned rider and regular participant in the annual rodeo. Laura, 17, chose rodeo for her extracurricular activity after a friend suggested it.

“I always have loved the barrel pattern for sure because I love the speed in barrels. In poles, it’s more about the consistent skill. That is the challenge of it. You have to weave through the poles at your best,” she said.

Working with horses has not only taught Laura rodeo skills, but also how to deal with life and her own emotions.

“There was an older girl that I used to look up to, and she would tell me when I got nervous to find five things that you can see, four things that you can feel and three things that you can smell. Just doing that would calm the nerves,” she said.

While horses are a big part of Laura’s life at Boys Ranch, it’s also her faith in God that keeps her going.

“I choose to put my trust in God. He is my comfort. I’m also going to put my trust in my horse, as well, because we’re partners in this,” she said. “I firmly believe that is a blessing from God.”

Though not for Laura’s family, the opportunities at Boys Ranch do come at a cost. Laura said she appreciates all the donors who make her life at the ranch possible.

“It’s so beautiful that people from everywhere give to us and love us. It’s amazing to have their support. If we really think about it, the little things like our hygiene or food to activities like skiing or throwing a party are all possible because of the donors, so thank you,” she said.

You have the power to change the future for children like Laura. Contact the Office of Planned Giving at 1-800-687-3722 or to learn how.